But sea lions kiss, or so the story goes. Great, now I have that mid-90s Marineland ad stuck in my head.
But sea lions kiss, or so the story goes. Great, now I have that mid-90s Marineland ad stuck in my head.
Actually Joss put Tara in the credits of her death episode because it was something he has always wanted to do, make the audience believe that the character was a regular (and thus safe from death) and then kill them. He wanted to do it in the Buffy pilot with Eric Balfour's character, but he didn't have enough money…
As long as it is copyright Donna Noble I am totally okay with it.
In Canada the government has the option of asking the prisoner be labeled a Dangerous Offender, which means they will never be released from custody as the risk to the public is too great. In my very quick research on the topic suggests that this is also the case in England and Wales.
'There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation' - Pierre Trudeau 1967.
As a Torchwood fan I feel your pain ... but we weren't even sure we were getting a fourth series, two year after the third series ran.
I think the UT buses have more of a confetti look to their seats. There was nothing like moving from Enfield (W 15th) to Rosewood (E 11th) to make me miss the UT buses.
Do you ever listen to the Planet Money podcast? This winter they did a segment on the economic value of good teaching, that touches on your issues of figuring out what is good teaching. It is worth a listen.
As an pro-choice Ontarian who strongly opposes provincially funded Catholic schools, I find this to be extra offensive.
That is correct and depending on the availability in your area, whether you wish to fund French education (either Catholic or Public), although there may be restrictions like in Quebec re. English schooling. In Ottawa a person has a choice between 4 different school boards.
My cousin is a science teacher at a rural high school in Eastern Ontario and she had a grade 9 general science student ask her that very question during the class about sexual reproduction ... "is it easier to dig a hole or build a pole?".
A number of my friends were at school (Carleton University) with Nadia Kajouji and I can still remember the calls to help find her, before her body was found in the river in April.
Looks like he was invited, but nobody knows if he is attending, particularly if a spring election gets called. Also the GG should be getting an invite as well and will be attending.
According to the People article I found while searching the topic said that she was in her second trimester back in January, so yeah, way more than two months. Also it suggests that she found out about the pregnancy when she was starting to host a show that was filming in October. So more like 5/6 months along.
I keep seeing people in this thread refer to the attackers as animals and monsters. While their crimes are unimaginably heinous and they deserve the most punishment that is allowed, I feel that when refer to them as animals or monsters we ignore that they are humans, humans who had the competence and free will to do…
Capt. John Hart has been to all the rehabs, plural, (drink, drugs, sex and murder) and he is living like a nun.
Not a problem, it was another Jezzie who told me about it, so I feel like I should pay it forward.
Not an ad, but I started using monthlyinfo.com to track my periods (I am not on hormonal BC) and it has provided me with so much data about my cycle, it is incredible, like the fact that between my menses in September to my menses in October it is 30 days, while the rest of the months it is 27 days.
Maybe I spent too much time as part of an architecture school (I was in a Community Planning program), but I thought architect barbie was hipster barbie were the same thing.