Copper Skinned Brawnstud

I think I've made myself perfectly redundant.

Well now that I know that, I might as well not watch them. Thanks a lot.

Well one of his major platforms was dismantling Social Security…

And yet thinks nothing about putting an arrow through the throat of a father while he's walking with his son.

Why do people still like the wildling whore?
We've seen how many innocents she's gleefully slaughtered.
She's on the same level as the The Mountain, for christsakes.

I'm just going to leave this here.

The pressure of the weight under the Giant's feet would make him sink into the soft ground.
His heart wouldn't be able to maintain enough pressure for proper perfusion and blah, blah, blah.

That bit where Lysa explains how some body parts stay intact after "flying" had to be foreshadowing for something…

I have to say, the most recent episode (Rose's Room) is my favorite of the series so far.
Please keep reviewing SU!