
I like the part where she assumes only PETA members are pissed at her. I had a cheeseburger for dinner last night and still think she's an abusive whackjob.

Stop making me side with PETA, Sarah Palin. Ugh.

Yeah I read that and was like "RUN FORREST, RUN!"

"I'm ready to settle down" within what sounds like the first half hour of the date? No. Absolutely not. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Get your ass home.

Unless it was necessary

Nephew was not charged with anything. +1 for the police this time around.

Good for you for tearing her a hole! I just posted a vicious bully teacher story too. They're freaking everywhere.

For me, it was three weeks ago when I said fuck it, I need a positive change in my life. My mental health was damaged, and people were dragging me down.

She publicly outed her parents as bigots who had a direct hand in her suicide. And I personally think she deserves to be remembered for who she was, not who her parents wished she was.

Of course they got death threats. Jesus, I get them and I haven't done anything notable.

Tim Tripp, pastor of the Northeast Church of Christ in Cincinnati, told NBC News that the funeral was moved because "the times and dates had been publicized, and the family's received threats."

I really wish you could just follow me around in life making comments and observations on various things. I would never be bored again.

What happens when a trans or gender non-conforming person, for example, needs to fly Saudia?

Why don't they just put women in the cargohold with the rest of the property and be done with it?

at least the owner seems completely fucking mortified.

Am Italian. Can confirm this is highly believable. Seriously, Italians hate fucking everybody. Hope his ass gets so fucking sued.

A fashion/beauty mogul is revealed to be an insufferable racist douche canoe?

One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:

Seriously, the more you cook, the more opportunities you have to fuck up. I guess there are some people who perform with ballerina-like grace in the kitchen, but I'm not one of them. I cook a lot. I'm a great fucking cook. And I make a huge, hideous, splattery mess. The harder I try to adopt a manner of Zen-like calm,

I really appreciate your ending comments about living as a fat person and your relationship with food. I live that everyday but hadn't really thought about it in those exact terms. Thanks as always for making me laugh and making me think. You're the best, Lindy.