
Um, FGM commonly includes removal of the clitoris. Do you know what a clitoris is? The male homologue is the penis. For male circumcision to be equivalent to FGM, the whole penis would be removed. Seriously, educate yourself, the ignorance is astounding.

What a disgusting piece of shit you are. Please return to your hole in the ground.

He was a handsome young man:

Now playing

This is my favourite Walken dancing... sometimes when I'm feeling sad, my boyfriend will speak like Christopher Walken to cheer me up.

Well, GRRM is already going to kill him; I'd say there's little more we can do in that regard.

Perhaps it was a question of her grandmother saying: Send your daughter to me and I'll get her on the straight and narrow. And then her mother didn't ask any questions. You know, plausible deniability.

The subjects aren't the same. Circumcision is a misnomer when applied to FGM because it's not merely the clitoral hood (which would be analogous to the foreskin) being removed, but the entire clitoris and often parts of the inner and even outer labia. On male form genitalia that would be akin to removing the whole

There is no comparison between female genital cutting and male circumcision. None at all. And anyone who would even try to make that comparison is an idiot who knows nothing about either.

Male circumcision is NOTHING like FGC and shouldn't be considered anywhere on the same level. Making the comparison is completely derailing the discussion. Not to mention the fact that it's possible to care about more than one issue of varying severity at once while not addressing all in a single article..............

Let's call it what it really was, a concentration camp for unwed mothers and their children. I do hope we've learned something from this and make sure it never, ever happens again.

I don't waste my smiles on people I haven't fucked at least twice.

What kind of miserable existence do you lead where people across the nation wanting to do whatever small part they can to celebrate the actions of a hero and thank him for saving the lives of who knows how many people and the best you can muster is saying it is gross? I can't even imagine how depressing your life must

I live in Seattle, which is a pretty small big city. The Cafe Racer shooting was a big shock, and I think people here are incredibly grateful to him for having the cohones to stop the shooter, who would surely have wounded or killed more people. I think it's shitty that you guys are going after the people who are

It's great that your child's skin tone and exposure to the outdoors are such that those methods work for him. Not everyone is as lucky, and slanty red streaks on your chin, neck, and hands can contribute to skin cancer the same way an all over burn will.

I am someone who burns with SPF 50. I need 80 and I need to reapply frequently. (Please don't tell me that anything over SPF 30 doesn't skin says otherwise) This school would be condemning me to a horrible sunburn. Especially in the Texas sun!!! This is irresponsible!

You could also do that with glue, a common classroom supply. Given that this is a health and safety necessity for some children, can't we train the teachers to watch for and report bullying (which kids will do regardless of the materials available)?

There are other gaming websites (such as "IGN") where you don't have to read about gender & sexuality issues.

I'm reviewing the game. So it's literally my job to do this, and in doing so, will hopefully inform people who might care about this. They in turn can seek out other games that might fit their needs better, if so they wish.

It's extremely unfortunate that this dog reached that point of aggressiveness.

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.