IMO a gun license shouldn't be temporarily suspended if you are convicted if domestic violence, it should be PERMANENTY suspended.
Not all giant, city-destroying lizards!
your KFC story reminds me of an interview with Weird Al where someone asked him if he ever "got lucky on an airplane." He replied "once I got two packs of peanuts instead of one."
Oh thank you! I love a good false equivalency! Are you kidding? This a forum for debate and discussion and sometimes that discussion gets heated. If you're going to leave ridiculous, rude comments directed at writers or your fellow commenters, you probably are going to have to face some blowback. Them's the breaks! I…
I think your point was more "I'm a self-important dickhead with no valid point to make, so I'm just going to connect the dots on buzzwords and hope no one notices the fact that my entire comment, as well as the subsequent explanation, was completely intellectually bankrupt."
Oh don't eeeeeven go there with me, OK? Maybe you need to find another site? I have no idea what you're posting here or what this nonsense is all about. I just don't know. If you are suggesting that we don't write about rape, I would suggest you look here.
Not all drones.
At first, I was like "Yaaaaaay!"
The idea that I could have been an elected official while holding the political views I held when I was 17 is absolutely horrifying to me.
The writer for Bwog may have been justly fired, may have been unjustly fired. Either way, the university is responsible for this sorry state of affairs. It's the school administration that let it get to the point where some women thought anonymously accusing men of sexual assault/rape was their last, best hope.
Considering this was the guy in charge of meting out the punishment & retraining the sensitivities of the racist tweeters, it sets a double-shitty example.... Sorta like that Army guy recently who was in charge of a sexual-assault investigation unit, discovered to be fond of sexually assaulting female soldiers. NEVER…
Not all dogs...
We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.
Sounds to me like you're the one trying to win the oppression olympics here.
See, now I know you didn't read my comment, so what's the point of engaging with you? I was using a twist on an English colloquialism. You want to rant? Go on your myspace page and drop all the f bombs and racial rage you want. Stop wasting my time.
It's very clearly a reference to the saying "X is the new black" as in X is the new rage/fashion. As Donald Sterling can attest, being a racist is socially unacceptable (at least in public). As Newt Gingrich can attest, being an outspoken homophobe is probably a career booster in certain circles. And blacks aren't the…
Well, as long as they're keeping the graffiti under control, order will reign.
I like how you go from "Ugh, one more thing for parents to be one-upping eachother about" and immediately follow with "my kids are awesome, we get compliments, I raised my kids right!" That's some high-level stealth Mommy Wars (TM) shit, right there.
I disagree. Yes, kids have episodes: a considerate parent will take the kid outside to calm down. That's what my parents did with me if I was out of line. Honestly, parents who are on top of their shit ABSOLUTELY deserve discounts, because that's hard work that put them there. It's not random chance.