
When people talk to these folks that push the purity agenda about their targeting of primarily young women/girls, what do they say when asked about why isn't purity pushed as hard at young men/boys?

I still don't get why "college rape" is treated any differently than "real-world rape". Put him on trial and throw him in jail just like anyone else.

On Sunday the barista at my local Whorebucks made sure to let me know about the impending Oprah chai. I said, "Ok, but do I have to SAY 'Oprah chai?'" And she said yes because they will still have the classic chai. She then leaned in and said, "I started calling it Choprah, but my manager didn't dig that." And I said,

We get those all the time. It's PIZZA. IT HAS GARLIC AND BASIL IN THE DAMN SAUCE. And when you offer the plain olive oil or pesto or crushed tomato base "Nooooooo, I don't liiiiiiiiike those!" We are officially in Not My Fucking Problem Land now, lady/sir.

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

They should have ended on karate kick. Always end on karate kick.

So... if you have limited time, it's more important to "take off" the accomplishments and contributions of women, then, instead of attempting to give equal time to both sexes?

HA! Yeah, this situation is a case for angry, smiting, Old Testament God.

How sad that the 80 year old woman feels that having a breast removed means she's not a woman anymore. How awful that society tells you that breast flesh is about the most important thing you have to offer.

Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."

Yeah I'll totally take my mutt I found walking the streets over buying any day. He doesn't have papers but he has street cred. Pretty hard core with his duck toy. Lol

I love my dog dearly- and will fight to the death to protect him, but he is an absolute *asshole*. A pillow chewing, garbage rooting, cat chasing bastard. Perhaps this yorkie is also,.and the would be paramore didn't suffer an attack of conscience as much as an attack of a twenty pound terror.

You are talking to one person. That is not a pile on. But again, you've got to satisfy that victim complex so exaggeration and lying are necessary.

You said that her reply was basically a "yes," while other women are explaining that this is typical a response that they'd give in order to turn down men they thought were "icky" or otherwise had no intention of ever saying "yes" to (busy schedule or not), but didn't want to seem mean about it. So no, it's not

You're not going to leave. You're going to go back to to trolling because that's what you come here for. Now that you've re-upped you victim complex by pretending that someone flat-out disagreeing with you and not budging is the same as being flamed, you'll feel all the more justified in it.

Excuse me, but why would she have any interest in going to prom with an underage teenage boy she doesn't know? It's fucking weird. You should know that by putting a celebrity on the spot like that, it puts them in a position where either they say yes or look horrible and mean for shutting the kid down publicly.

You caught me out! I'm one of those rad-fems who thinks that when a woman is at a school talking about the importance of STEM careers, it's offensive and, frankly, fucking stupid to make a spectacle of her by asking her, publicly, to be your prom date. Essentially, what Pat said was: "Yeah, yeah, enough of the

The Christian defense of Easter egg hunts is interesting. This was my born-again Christian uncle-in-law's response when my mom invited his son to an Easter egg hunt in her backyard: "Sorry, I won't let my son do pagan things like that!"