
Dear Men Who Aren't Firefighters,

"Blond angel." Could they be any creepier?

BMW had to engineer turn signals specifically for the semi-autonomous cars? I wasn't aware any of their former or current models had turn signals.

When I was ten, a teacher told me: "Crumpett, anger is not attractive." I've spent the last thirty years ignoring her advice.

It's a good trick, isn't it? They've got us coming and going...

Kelly Sheehan, you win the prize.

Wow, it's almost as if after you're done being pregnant you end up with a baby. Biology is crazy, huh?

I'm way too lazy for that. I will confess that I once hemmed a pair of pants by stapling them.

Just reading "your wife will do it for you" sent me into an irrational fit of rage. WHO DOES THAT???

because they see nothing wrong with what they've just done.

we could just do away with weddings as events... just saying.

My dog was shot through the eye with BB gun by our neighbor. I'm 99% sure he was a sociopath, and he was an admitted skin head too. I broke four of his fingers and my dog now leads a very happy one-eyed life.

We have wild hedgehogs here in France, and I delight every time I see them buffling and hustling along towards some hedgie destination. We usually end up stopping the car in the middle of the road, hazard lights flashing, at least twice per season to pull them from the road. They have a bad habit of getting flattened

She has at least a 3 year statute to sue 24 hour fitness for personal injury and I hope her claim has at least 6 zeros attached to it. Make those fuckers bleed.

"When will I get to be as full and bushy as the others?"

Its kind of creepy to me that I bought one 2 days ago and heres this article! I dont give a damn about stains on my VAGINA CUP but I just wanted to say that its the most amazing thing ever. Its has revolutionized my vagina, like internet has done for the world. How did I live without one? GET ONE.

Another word of advice with cups, wash it in the machine. Mine is a few years old and smelled off even though I tried boiling it (which I do after every cycle), soaking in peroxide, vinegar, baking soda, soap. Still smelled off so I tossed the clean cup in with my wash. Still discolored after all of that but the smell

No! This is not true! The discoloration on Diva cups can't be completely removed but it can be seriously improved— it's call Sunning. Stick it in the sun. I started doing this when my DC started to smell a little funky, and it worked wonderfully. An added benefit was the suns natural bleaching power. All Clean, POOF

So I'm not the only one who's spit-cleaned a blood stain? I feel so much better now, and less like an immature slob. :)