
He chose a job that involved manipulation of heavy machinery and such. That’s the end of it- you have ultimate choice, including NOT to work, if you value your safety above the almighty dollar. In his instance, if I was hired to move boxes or things from A to B- and then they said “Hey, that Hummer next, just get down

His choice to work in the industry. You should be aware of what a workplace entails prior to accepting any job or career. If there’s risk of injury or death, it’s on you. Certainly the employer has responsibility to make things as safe as possible and provide proper training and support, but at the end of the day- you

Thats new? Are you new? haven’t seen many films then have you, because there are shit tons where something goes wrong and shit happens. That is generally the risk you take as an actor or stunt person. generally they know this and hope for the best

when you die, do you hope people belittle the work you do too??