This is the sort of proactive problem solving I can get behind.
This is the sort of proactive problem solving I can get behind.
Uh, what?
“Husband” is not a term most people use to describe “hers”.
Fun Aside:
Does anyone else irrationally hate the word “hubby” to a disconcerting degree?
Is this sort of thing really meant to be worn, though? I always saw high fashion as more art pieces rather than actual clothing. Sure they’re worn once of twice, maybe, but really rich people buy them for display. But I’m almost 30 and don’t own a dress shirt, so what do I know.
The purple dress is amazing, and looks like a tulip.
For any number of reasons, from symbolism, to tradition, to political expediency. There really isn’t much difference between a monarchy and old, wealthy families in the States or other republics. It’s all a genetic lottery. Brexit really has nothing to do with the royals-they are more like the fancy china you trot out…
Remind me to avoid whatever job you had that required that level of nonsense.
The fact that you exist-your name, the joke- it brings me joy.
Depends on your Anglican sect, I suspect. Wikipedia says that evangelical/ low church sects don’t really do the veneration of Mary, while the others do. Probably also has to do with the influence of Protestantism in your area.
Oh, I see. Thanks! I think I was confused because the Anglican church my mother in law attends just has forward facing pews, and a raised stage bit for the choir/communion/ blessing what have you. So that’s what I think of when people say “Anglican.”
I tried to Google a central plan church, and only got exterior descriptions. What do you mean?
No judgement, I hate flying altogether. I shudder to think what my cat would do if he ever encountered an airplane, as he yowls as long as he’s enclosed. We had to take him to my mother in law’s once-a six hour drive- and he protested the whole time.
I think it’s a size issue. Most cats can fit in a carrier that goes under a seat (though flying with a cat sounds like a nightmare) but a Flemish Giant is likely too large for that. This rabbit was 3ft long and probably about 15-20 lbs.
All of this. When I have no interest in an article, I not read it. It’s quite simple, really.
Hundreds, if your clientele are dumb enough. And if you market it to these people, they probably are.
Fried cheese is rad.
You are not alone in your assessment.
So the Sun is trash everywhere? How depressing. I thought it was just Canada’s.