I’ve heard that if you boil the water and let it cool, then put it in your ice tray, it’ll come out clear.
I’ve heard that if you boil the water and let it cool, then put it in your ice tray, it’ll come out clear.
Oh yeah, I hate that.I’ve been trying to get this county, and every time, I’ll be winning and something will falsify my casus belli. I have given up, and gone back to my pattern of making my family giant and marrying them into every dynasty that owns a kingdom title.
Yay, someone else who loves CK II! I agree with all of this.
I had a friend from university that had that too. Mum and Dad were Native, so gave them a traditional sort of name for a first name, then a traditional European name for job applications. It seems a good system.
Did you have a bad day at work, Satan?
We’re braising rabbit in cider. I suspect more cider would be appropriate to drink.
“As the effect is subtle—really a proxy for illumination exposure history that cannot be expected to correlate perfectly, one should not expect this to hold for every individual observer.”
Yeah, Hogwarts isn’t a private school, so there’s no tuition. I don’t even think there’s school fees.
Do you have access to outdoorsy stores? I find clothes meant for hiking or camping tend to be fairly hardwearing, and not sheer.
You’d think that, but it’s a texture thing. I don’t know how to explain the delight of an orange Areo bar.
I love Keen shoes. I bought mine back in 2011, and they’re still in pretty good shape, considering they’ve tromped up mountains, wandered around various cities, and have endured 6 years of Canadian winters. There starting to get a bit worn, but I keep my shoes until they start getting holes.
I love happy endings. /sniff
Both of them, because weddings are boring as hell for adults, much less toddlers. And a bored toddler is a cranky toddler.
They aren’t, I was just being pretentious. What you folks call Smarties, we call Rockets, and our Smarties are candy coated chocolate.
Were they in the wedding? You can’t leave us hanging!
What flavours did you get?
I guess that’s true. It’s just so weird to me, Canada having junk food flavours America doesn’t. Especially something like an Aero bar, just because I take them for granted.
Aren’t your Smarties Rockets? (As in, slightly sour, tiny powder pucks, which I eat without shame)
Does America not have Aero bars? First your Smarties are defective, now this.