
It would be like if Ford copyrighted the wheel bolt pattern for their Mustang. All makers of 3rd party rims would have to license the bolt pattern. But reality is that the bolt pattern, by itself, is not copyrightable, though it is a component in the overall look of the vehicle. Ford can copyright a style of rim, with

Sun Microsystem created Java with the intent of making it available for the public, but overseeing its development direction. (Just like Sparc processor architecture. Or what Google is doing with Android today). I worked at Sun, when Java was created. The fact Oracle tried to make it proprietary is in violation of the

They won’t let it die because VW needs a pushrod V8 for their future NASCAR effort.

slack and tight are sort of opposites

If it makes you feel any better, I've heard the sun is hot but I haven't actually been so Norm there actually makes a really good point. Very knowledgeable, that Norm.

Was that fan not aware that of any former professional basketball player, Charles Barkley is the one who has actually thrown someone through a plate glass window, and when asked by the judge if he had any regrets, said yes, I wish I had been on a higher floor?

They’re really going ahead with this, aren’t they? Athletes competing in raw sewage, spectators flocking toward an epidemic, infrastructure collapsing in real time: It’s got the complete package. Idiocy, corruption and willful blindness. Just perfect.

If Mike Francesa were an ice cream flavor he’d be pralines and dick.

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

Couldn’t we shoot those with a BMI in the triple digits directly through the tube? Stuff them in, create vacuum in front of them, and - flummpp...

The mistake that was made was having it presented by Gore. That politicized the issue.

Seems fairly obvious how he did that...

The pitch and its aftermath horrified both spectators in attendance.

These arbitrary horsepower thresholds are just silly. A Miata will spin its rear tires if you mash the throttle in wet conditions (especially while turning). A Cappuccino probably would as well.

Oh yeah? Well my 15hp lawn mower breaks loose if the sprinklers have been on. Top that.

I don’t think the $60 they spent on this would make the difference between being a shithole and being Norway.

The US space program, starting all the way back from the creation of NASA in 1958, has been played against the backdrop of crushing poverty for a segment of the American population. And this same argument has been brought up time and again against funding NASA’s space exploration. Just because things aren’t perfect on

Reentry image:

I was thinking the G-forces from the black powder launch separating your brain from your spine would probably help numb the pain if you were a bit off center on the landing anyway.