
although a terribke analogy, his point was basically that you can find and random scientist to just as easily say that temperature and pressure wouldn't create such a dramatic pressure, pound and air difference in the same circumstances. Evans just went with a stupid comparison. But he's actually a pretty good analyst

this is just a massive fucking troll job by Belichick. And well done at that.

best studio show on television.

honestly, these are barely the slaps and kicks the headline made it seem like they were. Weak sauce.

really? You added a video of a the girl online, even with her face disposed, it still is kinda seedy.

there is no infraction for warming balls

yeah the Colts' would have lost anyway, but cheating is still cheating. No matter how big or small, if they cheated they deserve punishment. That punishment should be consummate to how little or big the crime is, but if you intentioanlly try to game the system then you should be held accountable.

Not really. Women's basketball is still bigger at most schools. Gymnastics just tends to get a lot of the Spotlight at thise specific schools. At places like Tennessee, A&M and Auburn (where I went), they have historically great women's basketball programs so they all play in the same gym as the men's team.

that is correct.

Alabama reserves Coleman Coliseum (the still very ugly basketball arena) for its men's basketball team and the women's gymnastics. Dead serious. Women's gymnastics is higher on the priority list than women's basketball there.