
Definitely. It's lost a bit of focus and a consequence of that is entertaining episides, but ultimately overstuffed ones as well. Probably the first time in a long time that the show has struggled with such a huge cast.

Season four's premiere is amazing, really one of the show's best. After that, the rest of the first half is uneven - nothing much happens, and the flashbacks feel a bit dull by then. By episode 7, the show picks up once again and it gets in the show's best shape, in my opinion. That said, some of the plots felt

I completely disagree with you! I mean, an episode focused on Nora's journey to find her children in the Departed-land would have been thrilling, but part of the fun from her monologue in the SF was that she's an unreliable narrator. From the nun who tells a nicer story about the pigeons to people, to Kevin Sr.

Don't forget The Wire's ending!

Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. I lost it when Matt and Nora were talking. Such a beautiful moment.

Half of the comments are people complaining about the show. Geez, if I don't like something​, I just don't watch it. Life feels much better.

Season 3 is slow as fuck but I really enjoyed its last three episodes. The following season was much better.

I love the shit out of Eyes Wide Shut. Just so nightmarish and creepier than most of horror films out there.

I like Streep too but she's nowhere audacious as Kidman. Both great actresses, but Nicole's body of work is outstanding - despite some bad apples.

The only thing I can think of is that Nora actually goes through the machine, however only to go somewhere along with the ones who did te same process. The sad part is that the ones who departed are not living there.

That was easily the show's best episode. Often hysterical, consistently emotional and just beautifully done. Master of None had a hell of an improvement from one season to another - at least for me, who didn't love the show the first time around.

Honestly, daily vlogging destroyed Neistat's channel for me. I still watch some of his older work, but after the 100th vlog I kind of lost interest. One of the things I liked about him was how each video - even if it took too long to be released -, was consistently great and engaging.

Just wanted to tell you that, as a fan of Lynch's work and having never watched the original show, I'm pissed that it isn't available anywhere here in Brazil. Worse than that: Netflix has a deal to stream new episodes every monday, but they won't release the original first two seasons. FUCK YOU. Rant of the day.

No, no! We don't even see Nora taking a shower in episode 4. Thankfully, her goodbye with Laurie tonight is definitely not the last time we will see her.

Really? I thought it got old fairly quick. That said, all her scenes in International Assassin were amazing.

I was talking about Patti! Honestly, I loved the fuck out of Meg.

I hope so. Love the actress, but she was the weak link in a otherwise stellar second season.

a-ha! Joking.
Yes!! I keep wondering if the world will end, after all. Specially because in Nora's scene set in the future, the nun gives her what we are led to think it's money, although it just seems to be black paper. It has a weird look to it - although it could be how money looks in Australia, I don't know.

I'm in tears. Seriously. Laurie is probably the most underrated character on The Leftovers, because this and Off Ramp, both fantastic episodes focused on her, are some of the show's best work.

Nora is seen in a quick scene during the preview. She's in a bathtub. It's kind of weird because her hair seems longer there. Either way, it doesn't​ tell us much.