
Yeah, and I thought their clothes looked too modern for 1884, so I'm landing more on a foreshadowing than anything else.

LOL I thought they forgot about her. Apparently something happened, and I'd guess that Erika kidnapped Lily because Evie died (?), I don't know, it's the initial theory I had.

Can someone please tell me if the ending scene is supposed to be set in the future? I'M​ SO EXCITED I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT. My first thought was that it was some sort of flashback (?????) to 1884. I don't know, as much crazy as it sounded, we're talking about The Leftovers.

Shit, so let's hope it's from alcohol. I don't see why she should get pregnant.

5 episodes in and I have been enjoying it so far. The idea of how easily high school friendships break up for the stupidest reasons rang very true to me, and Hannah's character is well nuanced and compelling.

That's an interesting point of view - and you are probably correct. However, I kind of like to think that Adam was being impulsive and Hannah was just too emotional to be rational about the whole thing, so they had these dream-like moments that would end with the diner scene. Her crying seemed like that she realized

I loved this episode! To me, it seems that Jessa will have a sad, dreadful fate. A lot of people have been pointing out that she's pregnant - a turn I hope the show doesn't take -, but I honestly think that she has been using cocaine again. I mean, I thought she looked totally wasted in this episode, and her vomiting

I loved Shailene. It probably helps that I've been seeing her since The Descendents, but she was pretry strong here.

Darby Camp has a great future ahead of her. She was amazing in The Leftovers too.

There isn't a weak link here. Even the kids are awesome.

From the moment when she saw Ceeste and Perry fighting, I questioned myself whether or not she was in an abusive relationship before. I think that, while the writers didn't make a specific point about it, one could see hints of a dark past in Bonnie's character.

SHIT FUCK MOTHERFUCKER. I'm in awe. What a beautifully composed finale, it was nerve wrecking from the beginning to the end, but I was terrified when Perry told Celeste about her property manager. Holy fuck, I stood up, holding my pillow and my breath.

I don't understand how Adam isn't skinnier considering they shot his season sometime after or before Silence, in which he looked like a different person.

This. I fucking hate Desi so bad I wouldn't mind if they killed him off-screen. Don't get the love the writers have for him.

To be honest, I don't understand why people are so forgiving of Malick's later work. Yes, Days of Heaven is a masterpiece, but everything he's directed since Tree of Life (which I don't even like, although I agree it has its moments) has felt like a humorless parody of his old features. Masturbatory, self indulgent,

Fine episode. This season has been pretty funny, I don't remember it being like that last year.

Exactly. I enjoy the show, however, moments like this one sound really out of tone.

Exactly. As much as I enjoy Mickey's character, the show hasn't made a strong case as to why these two would be together for so long. Keep in mind that I'm not talking about Gus' looks, but his personality, the guy is an asshole.

I fucking hate Desi. Seriously, like, I just wish he got killed off. I don't care how. I thought he was done after the second episode, but it seems like Lena actually cares about him.

I haven't read the book yet.