
So, it was upgraded from

Now playing

The mission is kinda ridiculous. Watch this 5 minute video explainer. It’s amazing that we have this kind of technical prowess. Pile on how much effort went into the telescope in the first place and this mission is nothing short of a modern miracle.

It’s like pizza, for me. I love it to death but if I have it every night I need a break sometimes, yet its siren song is too much to resist. Yes I just romanticized pizza.

...but two Wongs don’t make a White.

This article reeks of your advertising department exercising unconscionable control over editorial. Auto-play video is a cancer to the internet and ANY step to stamp it out is a welcome one. I don’t give a shit about any other opinion, particularly not bought and paid for FUD like this.

Blocking annoying ads is only part of the equation. The more problematic, dangerous aspect is “malvertising”, where ads can actually infect your computer with malware (including ransomware). That’s really my main motivation for using an ad blocker. And if Google can actually force ad networks into increasing their

This is a good change. Nobody likes a shill, or your shitty taboola ads. I will disable my content blockers on this site when y’all prove you can be trusted to not FUCK your content with autoplay ads, extremely long commercials for extremely short videos, and heinously interrupting in-line ads. In short, never,

It’s that how the internet blog writer opinion mafia wants me to think of it? Sorry, not gonna oblige. There are far, far grosser things described in that book.

That’s one Tesla owner who managed to keep his head.

My parents were on their boat when it blew. My Dad said something like “It’s either the mountain or the Russians and either way we can’t do anything about it.” Then he rolled over and went back to sleep.

You instantly escalated to anger and aggression

No whining about Trump, or spouting out your daily talking points

No. I’m expecting them to act as they always do. Their brinksmanship serves one purpose. Further enriching their ruling/elite class. A war would not do that for them. A war would mean the end of their country. Unlike the first Korean War, they don’t have powerful backers and they don’t have an ideological purpose.

Same boat here. Except we’re still technically “at war” with them already, we just have not had any battles in most of our lifetimes now.

Proofreader Man to the rescue! (sorry, it’s late and I’m procrastinating at work)

I’m investing in any pouch manufacturer I can find. They will need to buy soooooo many pouches for movie.

The ISS has a permanent live U-Stream channel showing as it orbits the Earth.

Don’t worry, they’re all Made in China.


This is very similar to the “sandwiches” they serve at the Staggering Ox across Montana.