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    So an old white dude wants to cry about "kids these days." The more things change, huh?

    Yes, being gay is not the insult. It's interesting that some on the right continue to feel that the implication that one is gay is inherently insulting.

    I agree in general when speaking of individuals, however it's the ideologies of conservatives that seem to be inherently hypocritical.

    Next up: We interview Deep Blue Something about Breakfast at Tiffany's & find out if they truly kinda liked it.

    A finale filled with pointless flash backs (we already know Sasha loved Abe & Sasha & Maggie share a tragic connection), a pointless Dwight "betrayal," a pointless "will they won't they" Hilltop scene, a pointless "is Morgan on board" yet scene, & a final "battle" that looked somehow claustrophobic while at the same

    The reverse is also true and that is why the burden of proof is on the prosecution.

    I'd rather watch the Plinkett reviews again for free.

    The largest complaint is that it's a poorly written story arch that just serves to lead us from one giant set piece of destruction to the next. All the while subverting some of the Superman mythology for little reason other than the make this iteration of Superman more like Nolan's Batman. Also the fact that Superman

    We Need to Talk About Stephen?