
If I'm using my out of contract iPhone as an AT&T GoPhone can I get it unlocked? I take it pay as you go is not considered an "active term"?

I'm sick of going to a store, buying one item, and getting 12" of paper receipt. Multiply that by X number of consumers and there's a of waste right there. I bought one item at Sears and got 48" of paper. I can't wait for NFC chips so I can get an electronic receipt.

I bet at this moment Congress is about to pass legislation to deregulate trading it.

Does she lose her signal in bad weather too?

Is he filling in for Charlie Sheen again?

Or you could use Michael Imperioli and create a really stupid series of T.V ads like tequila did.

Apocalypse Cow? Someone has been watching The Tick. Can't wait for the Batmanuel article.

So this bill must somehow be a "burden on businesses" since it got almost all the Republican votes.

I want to see the photo of the captain spilling his coffee.

And remember, no matter how cool you think you are you still look like a doofus shooting with an iPad.

Yeah and Vince's "Schticky" performs wonders during his presentation too.

Off balance angle gradation and an arbitrary hard line in the bottom left orange area make it look like a mistake. Would have been torn apart in a crit.

So people can take photos of police getting free doughnuts?

Oh cool, maybe I attach my phone to act as a scratch disk?

Does it have a detailed view?

I was really looking for where they would say Address Book has been fixed to where I saw Groups and Contacts in the same view.

How about a "worst Gizmodo site redesign" poll too.

The view looking down reminds me of that plexiglass thing that held the pencils etc. on my drawing table.

You go through cases that fast?

"the money you save by not buying a case go towards insuring your phone"