
I think Chuck Norris had rockets on his.

At some point I wish Apple would just say "fuck the noobies". I'm tired of the OS being dumbed down so someone who doesn't know what a cursor is becomes the default profile that determines how some part of the OS works.

Good points and #5 is spot on.

I'm still on a 3G too. Jailbreaking and using FakeClockup makes it at fast as 3.1.3. It makes calls and I can get email just fine. And using it as a GoPhone means no burdensome contract.

The "The ugly failure of the physical metaphor" is spot on. Apple has this nice clean product design but decides throw old skeuomorphic elements into their UI.

Can't wait to see what doesn't work with it.



If the card is not tied to that phone (1st 6 months of activation) yes you can just put it in an iPhone (would have to trim it for an iP4). Magic!

But the clerics will then promote the practice of "temporary connections" similar to sigeh called signon.

Somehow I feel the next fad will combine planking with parkour.

This explains all the fake Rolex watches and Viagra the SEALs found.

Too bad he didn't start collecting instant film before it was discontinued.

They never saw him because they were distracted by the architectural details that this "mansion" had to offer.

I like the idea of seeing the general in charge with those big Elliot Gould glasses on.

He's just watching a Knicks game.

I wonder what corporate donor of his has been impacted from the iPad.

Once again, line spacing that hogs screen space for no apparent reason. 7.5 thoughts per page? Good to see the asterisk and question mark can be seen from across the room.

I'd like a cat version please.

So much better than the official Google app.