
Could be worse. They could come out with a software update that would cripple it.

So is this why after 2 months of crippling 3G phones Apple still touted the iOS4 update as being OK for it so they could pad their numbers?

@CitizenMustard: Same here. It's interesting after 3 betas not to hear any comments through the Mac grapevine about how well 4.1 works on 3G phones.

@adamthiede: Since I had to revert to 3.1.3 on my 3G I jailbroke it and found an app called Insomnia which gives persistent wifi with a flip of a switch.

How many grilled cheese sandwiches do I really need at one time?

@tamoko: I could see him in engineering carrying a sword. Bet that holodek love interest would have paid attention then.

These were much cooler and came with a diagram too. They were fantastic for b-ball.

This was an interesting book to read about tech distractions etc: []

@Zac Terrones: Right, I forgot that like 2 years is so yesterday dude.

Ooooh goosebumps. How about a special event that fixes the iOS4 fiasco on my 3G phone?

@NaraVara: I'm thinking my grandmother's old couch.

This would be a great RV.

Is that illustration from a hip/horror redo of The Incredible Mr. Limpet?

Does this mean the tables at my dentist's office will now be stacked with iPads?

And don't even get him started on T.V. and telephones.

@taniquetil: Chuck will not allow his name to be used in the same sentence with the word "purse".

@Zanzan42: No rock dares to gather moss around Chuck.

She has a 3G iphone and wanted to know why the hell it ran like shit after she updated it.

@SEDAGIVE?!: But can't be trusted yet to have their own custom SMS sounds.