
Drones are a security placebo. I want to see how effective they will be to find the terrorists that will eventually attack our power grid.

Bet you Bill Kurtis would be laughing at him.

@gerwen: That's very uncommon from my experience with a 3G phone, a 2G iPod and from what I've been reading. Your friend is lucky.

Good. I hope he got the memo that iOS4 makes any device other than 3GSs and iPhone 4s run like crap.

I made a note to not use a silly font like Comic Sans using my iPhone Note app that uses Marker Felt.

He wore a suit so he'd get a better reception.

I want Jonathan Ives to be on stage and admit (cue British Accent) "it doesn't matter if it works well, it's just so beautiful".

If an iPhone 4 needs flames, what do I need to paint on the back of my 3G? I'm thinking just the word "PLEASE".

At least they don't have to worry about spilling bong water.

Just wait, the announcement will be deleted without comment.

Hopefully there will be something included to allow older devices actually perform like they did before 4.0.

How about requiring that the first thing out of the mouth of a genius is not "I've never heard of that happening before".

Apple should pay as much attention to all the threads about how iOS4 is making iPods and iPhones run like crap.

This should also be true for upcoming MINI Coopers.

Why do they think I'd want their logo on the front of my phone?

Now if the dock was the teddy bear's stomach, then I'd be interested (might creep me out at 4AM though).

I wonder what this means for the cd player/waffle maker combo I bought after their "testing".