Nah, that was probably a worm.
Nah, that was probably a worm.
This is the most horrifying thing I have ever read.
I just got the biggest laugh from this comment. No idea why. But thank you.
Sweet god in heaven
I vomited and shit my pants at the same time in 2nd grade, in the classroom, while we were playing Heads Up 7Up.
im currently on my own weight loss journey (down 11 pounds guys!!!!!!!!!) and EJ is my fitspo
That was my Funbag question which would’ve allowed you an interesting, unique and somehow SEO friendly way of introducing the special guest on Friday (“First question! Who is our special guest?!”) but you ruined it. I’m going back to reading Ley wishing for stuff.
This is pretty funny, considering that, so far as I can tell, nobody at Deadspin has ever written anything that wasn’t negative about Hillary.
I’m calling Bullshit. There’s no fucking chance somebody is signing up to have sex with Kirstie Allie.
Sorry, I got logged out of my burner. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be covering a potential presidential nominee. You should be covering all of the potential presidential nominees. You should cover them evenly and cover their potential policies. That isn’t what the media has done. They want the craziest 10 - 30seconds…
Counterpoint: Yes, if they didn’t they wouldn’t still be talking about him and trying to make themselves look like anything more than leeches.
NO, it doesn’t. It is for the down-ticket races primarily. It’s part of a fund to help other candidates called the Hillary Victory Fund. She gets a very small portion, but the rest goes to down ticket candidates. This is not hard to find out about.
Straight from the website: “The first $2,700/$5,000 from an…
You mean that people from local races are more likely to support the person who is helping fund their campaign? The ignominy!
God this irritates me. She’s getting shit for helping candidates with less access to funds? Awesome. And I know she will benefit from this too, but come on. You said it perfectly.
It’s bad to raise money for down ballot candidates? That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.
Seriously, he is shooting himself in the foot. If he really wants to be President, he wants those down ticket candidates in the House and Senate. He won’t get anything done without more support in legislative branch.
Yes he fucking is.
You do realize that this money is for down the ballot. She’s raising for the other candidates down ballot. How much has Bernie raised down ballot?