Karl’s comments about Curry are not nearly as acerbic as the initial tweet from Ellington made them out to be. Maybe Curry deleted the tweet because he found out what Karl actually said?
Karl’s comments about Curry are not nearly as acerbic as the initial tweet from Ellington made them out to be. Maybe Curry deleted the tweet because he found out what Karl actually said?
This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”
Christians like to focus on other people’s sins rather than their own.
For as long as I live, I will never understand why people are so afraid of the LGBT community. Is it contagious? Are they planning to kill people? Are they really aliens in human skin? What? What is it? WHAT??
Life in prison is not “getting a free pass.”
I mean, what if not every single person had a gun, though?
Kobe spoke to the 2 players as well. He gave them the number of a good jeweler.
It’s also possible that men’s tennis brings in more money because historically they’ve been the beneficiary of much more institutional support by way of PR and promotion. It’s easy to make more money when you’ve been treated like the top dog for 50 years. When you’ve received larger advertising budgets, more (and…
I think Serena and Venus beg to differ.
MAYBE it is just because I am a cynical asshole and also a fat but the joke was that she is fat right?
You may want to reread the comment - “and they’re not the only reason this is a story.” She’s/he’s objecting to the inclusion of their names in the headline, since they have nothing to do with the story. Clickbait. I think you have it DOWN - whether the Obama girls went there or not is immaterial!
Whelp, it was a good ride. It's been fun.
welcome to Gawker
That headline is kind of gross. They’re not involved, and they’re not the only reason this is a story.
University of Rape.
I find this to be really frustrating. Of course, Garland isn’t the most progressive pick; in the current political climate, where even this moderate nominee is unlikely to get a fair hearing, a more progressive candidate would especially be DOA. Obama was/is being a savvy politician by offering up a qualified…
“We’re not big on school. I told my wife, ‘He’s going to learn a lot more useful information in the clubhouse than he will in the classroom, as far as life lessons.’ “
Thanks for dropping by, Bill.