
My wife has a similar reaction to doing that "tap on the knee to make your leg reflex kick out" thing. I'm a 41 year old man and a father and I still can't resist doing it to her at least once a week.

I will always and forever maintain that she is saying "fuck your mouth." That is the funniest thing I have ever heard and I'd like to imagine her parents said it on accident and were shocked she picked it up. (Which I relate to, because that is how I was.)

Its sad what popular culture accepts as "good". The Marvin Gaye video is "good", he clearly has talent. Taylor can't sing at all. That is the relevance. Its fairly clear.

That still sounds pretty good. I don't understand the relevance here. Did you just want to show a guy who could sing well?

Why did Kanye let her finish?

you must be a kelly rowland fan


Well they booed the First Lady of the United States in Florida a while back, because you know NASCAR is all about 'Murica and stuff

Davis and White do have something in common with Danica Patrick: both of their routines usually end in spins.

NASCAR has exclusively left turns, doofus.

it was actually top of the trending news on my facebook yestarday

Yuro trash can't get enough American cum. It's no surprise that our automakers caught on and started promoting other things there.

It is indeed creatively lazy, it's an old trope - "husband watch sports and do nothing else!! HA!!!!!" - but to get that upset/offended by it is laughable.

Jesus Christ. You need to take a step back if that headline is what you actually gleaned from this ad and the content upsets you that much. "Fox Sports 1 worldview"? Are you serious with this, or is it some sort of satire?

Yes, I know ASU grad programs are well respected. I was making a joke, mostly off the well known perception of my alma mater (yes, ASU Class of 97). And yes, I went to Auburn for my Masters. Btw, SEC and south jokes are welcome too. Jesus, I thought being able to take a joke was a pre-requisite for this site.

Things did get awkward during one meeting when Mitchell mentioned that he was a split end. The book club then spent the next 45 minutes recommending various shampoos and salons.

"Don't draft this guy."


The Royals are in first place. Pizza.......Pizza

Well from time to time fast food workers have a tendency to fuck up, so I always check to make sure they make my sandwich right.