cool wolfman

ok but you're spending your time doing something ultimately negative, whereas the people enjoying this show and theorizing are doing something that brings them happiness. if you think lording your smug "superior intellect" over all of us enjoying this show is still somehow a victory and not an even bigger waste of

congratulations on being so goddamn smart!

david lynch has been doing stuff like this since his short films nearly 50 years ago. congrats on being a fan for the longest amount of time though!

he mentions at least the Eisenhower and I Love Lucy stuff in his interview on the Fire Walk With Me episode of The Projection Booth podcast. the episode may only be available on their website, but it also has an interview with Michael J. Anderson before he fully cracked, and he has generally nice things to say about

goddamn it i knew this series was designed directly for me

ohhh this is a pet peeve of mine. everytime i open the IMDB app it stops my podcast for an ad I don't care about, and I have to go back to whatever audio app I was using to turn it back on. the worst.

it is my go-to pick me up video.

human. fucking. garbage.

i'm with you dude. that was my favorite movie of 2014. i think it got the rare A here too.

i know it's impossible to prove without being there (my landlord for some reason thought it was hilarious when he found out i was hoarding pots and pans in my room so they didn't get wrecked though) and i know #notalllibertarians and all that, but the right asshole comes along during your formative years and they're

i know you think you're coming off as rational and skeptical of the mainstream media (which in itself isn't a bad thing), but you're just making yourself out to be a different kind of gullible idiot. you're trading one questionable source of information for… i don't know how to finish this metaphor, so i'm just gonna

i had a libertarian roommate. he destroyed all our cookware, sexually assaulted my friend while she slept, and shoplifted from thrift stores run by the disabled. kinda soured me on the whole group of them.

i was just gonna simplify it to "bad guy" but i like yours too

what about the dead children's parents' track records

why do you want to fight information

wedding crashers was david dobkin.

what is as good as the love witch, though?

i know marcus. you'll be happy to know he's parlayed all that LCS success into burning bridges and annoying the fuck out of people with long poorly thought out diatribes about whatever, and replacing celebrity faces with his own on facebook. and he got second place that year!

he did an entire crowd work special that's pretty goddamned good. most people suck at it very much though.

i've been to hundreds of open mics and this feeling could describe literally every single one of them. and i like stand up!