
This is also the show that decided the height of sexy men's fashion was all black everything. I think bad fashion sense was part of Lorelei's character, and she taught it to her daughter.

I will now present the Greek responses to this (and basically every) shitty situation involving fraternities and sororities:

“Yeah, the Greek system is awful.”

“Yeah, the Greek system is awful, but I had a good experience!”

“You can’t judge everyone by a few bad chapters!”

“This is bullshit. Just haters.”


The cleaning staff were aspiring performance artists commenting on the disposable nature of culture.

The Hulk works great as a roadtrip, just not the goofy buddy comedy ones.

I'm usually a defender of Twilight as an enjoyable modern Gothic novel, but this just sounds bad.


TNA really doesn’t fill a niche. Mostly they’re the show for “bring back the attitude era thumbs up if u agree” crowd. Sometimes they’re really, really good, but it’s usually surrounded by crap, which tends to squander any good will.

The best part about the indie scene is that there are good promotions doing very