Issa Trap

Yeah, I’d go for it. With something like this, have you have to know going in that chances are, you won’t see any service records so be prepared to have a conversation with the owner to feel out any “gotchas” and give it a good look and maybe hit the forums on what to look for in this model year but looks like a solid

You guys misunderstood. With the way the New York AG is coming hard after him, he was trying to say he is running from office. You have to know the language to understand.

With the LT1 engine. Sleeper on the outside - so smooth and comfy that passengers would be sleeping on the inside as well.

I was thinking that they could use a Tahoe/Suburban for this but ground height might be an issue so yeah, I guess this is the largest conversion SUV for this. Or could they design a ramp to accommodate?  Thinking out loud... 

Now playing

Since you brought it up, he gets it good at the 1:20 min mark.

It is like they took what I had been thinking/saying/shouting and made it into a sketch. I don’t know of anyone that makes a major purchase without talking it over with their significant other especially something that they are going to be interfacing with almost daily. What if they don’t like the color or it doesn’t

We have a mental health crisis in this country.

Toyota makes some SERIOUSLY ugly cars!

I miss Key and Peele....

This is a nice price for someone. I’m curious about that muffler. If it sounds as bad as it looks then a trip to the muffler shop is needed. It is clean, well cared for, listing has a ton of pics. I can live with the wheel/tire combo and a manual for the win (SAVE THE MANUALS!!!) but HATE the automatic seatbelts of

It is a cult.  I stay away from them so they won’t try to indoctrinate me with their crazy.

Mind if I borrow this?  Comment is spot on.

It is already in the 2021 RDX.  Got one as a loaner a while back and it was surprised to see it.

As a Honda/Acura owner, this is probably the only thing that would make the dual screen setup a bit more palatable but I’m wondering how would they do it. After seeing numerous hacky sack attempts on YouTube, true integration doesn’t happen after the fact - it has to be baked in from the start. I’ve looked at different

I with you. Most of my stuff is DeWalt with the only outlier being Home Depot brand Rigid. It is a pain to have 2 different chargers, batteries, etc. but I own them so I deal with it.  But yeah, anything new going in the garage has to be compatible, preferably DeWalt.  Don’t get me started on that 20/60 Flex Volt

If so, I’m sure it’ll make your momma shroud.

I’m making the poster board signs now. Can’t have a good yard sale without colorful poster board signs.

Wow, we are still dealing with this? I got the star on my license almost 3 years ago when I moved. My state was pushing people hard back then to get it and I just assumed that everyone who wanted a Real ID had already received it by now.

. If] he would have gotten on the gas he could have saved it.

This is the car you buy to surprise other gearheads at stoplights. Ultimate sleeper. At $14k, I would argue there are cheaper ways to screw with people.