Issa Trap

Yeah, he is stupid.

According to the ad, the car has a mere 38,280 miles on its clock.

Stephen, we owe you a drink.  There was no way I was going to sit through that interview and the fact that you did it for us......well, let’s just say we owe you one.

Thanks. As if morning coffee wasn’t enough, now I have to go BACK to the bathroom from just imagining this.  Anyone got any Pepto?

AutoZone discount card...

This is the first Honda I’ve seen converted like this. Dodge seemed to have the market covered with Caravans that were wheelchair accessible. I’ve see a few Toyota Siennas but never a Honda.  Yeah, these vehicles are incredibly complex and difficult to modify so I see why the prices are the way they are.  Glad your

Milkshakes are only allowed during intelligence briefings, sir.  You will have to settle for a 7-11 Slurpee instead.

Great review. I just got the direct competitor to this - Triumph Rocket 3 GT (same color as pictured) and I love it. Oh course as soon as I get it, weather, work, and home chores are keeping me from riding it but the few times I have, I am in love with the thing. Looking forward to see if you get some seat time and

Was in a dealer showroom last month, as a matter of fact. The rear main seal in my 15 year old daily driver finally gave up and it was going to cost more than the car was worth to fix so I dragged it in and traded it for a car that I already picked out online. Did all of the pre-work online so when I got there, only

Nice price but just barely. The 6-speed manual puts it over the top but first thing on the to-do list would be to search e-bay for the stock air intake and hope that clutch hasn’t been ridden to within an inch of it’s life.

I’m almost on a first name basis with my local u-haul since I’m renting a trailer several times a year for either my bikes or lawn equipment too heavy for me to lift inside the bed of my truck. I know where the trailers are and after I book them online, they don’t even need help me after the hookup. “Joe, you good”?

Thanks but I already have it in my mind that the next vehicle will more than likely be an auto.  Oh well...

I’m on a first name basis with my UPS guy (thanks Amazon Prime) but he isn’t really into cars. I’ve tried asking him what engine he has in his truck since that thing sound like LS motor with headers when making his deliveries but he doesn’t have a clue and he won’t let me have a peek under the hood either.  Oh well...

If I had $45k to spend on this, I would spend it on something else.

Maybe we went at a bit too far to cover each and every space into each and every segment

I did. Twice.  I’ve run out of money.  Now what do I do?

For when looking tough is the only requirement. These things are the equivalent to barbed wire tattoos on dudes back in the late 90's. I hardly see them where I live but if you go to Vegas, they are all over the strip thus proving my point.