Issa Trap

I have cruise on my bike and I’ve only used it a handful of time at maybe 2 minutes each - just to give my throttle hand a break but nothing more than that. Feels unnatural with just my left arm on the bars. There is no way I would use ACC on a bike if I had it.

In America, she miscarried a baby in a hostel, then got back on her bike and kept going.

I have two football playing boys in my house and we burn through milk like jet fuel.   

Jalops are going to shit all over this like Kanye running for President.

Keep that up and you will put their marketing and advertising people out of a job.

Me reading the headline just now....

You beat me to it. Enjoy your star.

She was pissed that The Forever First Lady didn’t leave her a pre-written speech to steal for the event.

Unless someone has you on their emergency contact list and well, then things can get “uncomfortable” if you are ever needed.

Wait, are you saying hydroxychloroquine DOSEN’T work against Covid-19?!?!?!

This version is generally considered to be among the least reliable of BMWs...”

He would have better luck setting it on fire and claiming the insurance. Not sure if there is a person that has enough self loathing and money for this.

Truer words never spoken.

I’m glad someone said it. Got in a Krell Audio equipped RLX once.  Everyone talked about how this is the best audio system Acura ever put in a car but I’ve heard better in less expensive cars.  Sounds good if you never heard a good sound system before. 

Life is hard enough, just replace the entire blade and keep it going. In the time it take to do one insert, I could have replaced both blades and recoated all the windows with Rain-X with time to spare.

The car has duct tape on it and the seller has an attitude like it was a garage queen.  Hard pass!!!

Rain-X user here. Wipers on if I’m sitting at a light, off or intermittent above 40 MPH. Both my vehicles manuals say that using Rain-X screws with the auto -wipers feature some how but I don’t see an issue with it.  Works like it is supposed to for me.  

Seems well taken cared for given the age and mileage and has 3-pedals...I will give it a shot.