Issa Trap

Things we will never forget:


Could it just be that African Americans or the colored population do not wash their hands as well as other groups....

My uncle had one of these when I was growing up and I thought it was the coolest car ever. Nostalgia doesn’t have to be this expensive though. Hard pass.

My uncle had one of these when I was growing up and I thought it was the coolest car ever. Nostalgia doesn’t have to be this expensive though.  Hard pass.

Looks good for the car that it is but doesn’t really compare to the car that it once was.

Looks good for the car that it is but doesn’t compare to the car that is was.

When the car lost the Legend name, it also lost its optional V8 powerplant and it switched to a front-wheel drive base platform from rear-wheel drive

Walker, who is a registered gun owner, has been charged with first-degree assault and attempted murder of a police officer.

I’m willing to bet the AT4 is a trainer. We used them as “props” so you would know how to use the real ones once you got out on the range. Is he an idiot for carrying one around? Absolutely, but it is harmless.

I bet he has no clue about headspace and timing for that barrel, lol.

Hey guys, I think I found your flag...

Yeah, yeah Coronavirus bad, people dying, they don’t care, etc. Real question here is what was so dang funny in this pic? We need more background. That one sis in laughing like dude told a joke at the family reunion. Stephen, I need you to put your investigative powers to work and get on this.

I daily a 2005 6-spd and it isn’t bad.  At 190k on the clock and original clutch means the boy racer days are well in the rearview mirror but a solid commuter car.  As much as I love mine, if this guy gets anything close to what he is asking, I’m going out to take pictures and put a for sale sign on mine with hopes

Assuming she’s working with actual human beings capable of controlling their actions and with some fundamental grasp of right and wrong...

Virginia State Police shoot warning missiles.

“but you can’t hate what you ain’t never loved...”

You should make a few of these and sell them.  I would be first in line to buy one.

It is only a matter of time before we hear this from other auto makers as well.  I’m sure FCA isn’t the only manufacture that uses contract labor to support FTEs.  This is only going to get worse...