Me and my ol’ man were shopping for a truck last month. He has a 2017 Silverado but is in love with that tailgate on the GMC and wanted to upgrade. Did some “tire kicking” before the Covid-19 was a thing, looked at a few trucks but didn’t pull the trigger on any since we were still comparing dealers. The ONE mistake…
In the words of my late granny... “She is not here for y’all’s mess”
The one thing I probably always have too much of is cleaning supplies.
I was going to buy NBC......wait
Now that white folks are catching the coronavirus, what will black folks get? Coronavirus Ultra? Heinekenfluenza? Stella Artoirthritis?
I don’t know what/who this is for but I’m sure they will sell a ton of them and less than 1% of them will ever see anything other than asphalt.
To quote a phrase I heard once: Black people can be so deep sometimes that they are drowning. Dr. West needs a lifeguard to jump in the pool and rescue him. You say black people aren’t a monolith but you talk as if they are so which is it?