Issa Trap

Just when you think there is not enough crack to go around...

I just hold the nozzle when filling the tank on the bikes. Neither of my bikes have more than a 5 gallon tank and I never run them empty so I’m only holding the nozzle for a few minutes at most.  I can live with it.

Reviews say it is really painful to ride slow and in the heat since the radiator fans are pointed right at your shins. An engine that big will double as a furnace in any weather above 75 degrees.

TMZ reporting that this included a deputy trainee sharing photos at a bar in order to “impress a girl.”

Exactly my thoughts. I read an article where they interviewed Chuck D and asked him about it and he straddled the fence about it in a way I didn’t think he was capable of. He didn’t condone it but he didn’t outright condemn his behavior either. It made me upset to read it.

he don’t know the difference between BarrySanders or BernieSanders...

Not that I didn’t believe you but I had to look for myself and yep, there are at least 15-20 more bikes listed than they actually need especially given the market of used motorcycles out there.

I am in this demographic, and I despise that... and would much rather have a Ducati Diavel 1260S than any H-D... and I won’t set foot in a harley dealer

I was torn on using it since Gregory Hines is better than a GIF but this is the world we live in now.

“Public Enemy and Public Enemy Radio will be moving forward without Flavor Flav,” group says. “We thank him for his years of service and wish him well”

* - Mister Bojangles on Line One.

For everyone willing to give him $100, I have this bridge for sale. No reasonable offer refused...

Hell to the no.

It seems as if all emotional abusers pull from the same playbook and are masters of the art of emotional intelligence by knowing what buttons to push to get their desired response. Having known one or two in my lifetime, I can spot them coming from around the corner. It is not hard at all when you know what to look

And being a military vet myself, I wasn’t exactly surprised to hear about Lance Cpl. Vasillios G. Pistolis getting booted out of the Marines for attending 2017’s infamous “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Va.

A buddy of mine had the A6 sedan (same year) a while back and that thing nearly drove him to bankruptcy when he daily drove it.  Awesome car when it wasn’t in the shop.  With the turbos, he learned that it wasn’t a question of “if” but “when” they would need replacing and he did all the right things - quality oil,