Boy, she sure was flyin’ through that intersection...
Boy, she sure was flyin’ through that intersection...
First Gear - Anyone following cars saw the writing on the wall long ago about Nissan. Shame but it was inevitable with the quality of cars as of late.
“Sounds good and runs great but I’m leaving for military so I must part with it.”
This guy isn’t serious, is he?
This is why I don’t do anything harder than an oil change or maybe a front brake job for friends. Anything more difficult than that and there is a chance that I’m spending more time with them than I want. Good on you for helping out but I know my limits and a motor mount is something I would barely do for myself much…
I don’t know you and yet, I hate it when you are right. I want one if these for myself so I will suggest it every chance I get.
Ah....Let me sit here and enjoy pictures of an RSX that hasn’t been riced to within an inch of it’s life. I reluctantly voted CP on this because although nice, the seller isn’t going to get close to that asking price from a “normal” person. Now, if there is a 20-something that is going to rice this thing to within a…
So Mary Kay has moved away from Cadillacs now?
Nothing says painter/handyman by day, suspect creeper by night like an unmarked white Econoline. Throw some ladders on the roof to complete the look.
I don’t think he is “the guy” but he is the one with the money and let’s face it, because of that, he will be the guy. I don’t like it but give me another choice.
There is a story here and I’m curious to hear it. I say “average price” (would need to be a few thousand less to be nice price) but I’m wondering why it is for sale.
A 2015 needing motor mounts already? Do they go bad that quickly in these?