Issa Trap

No, he is right about the drifting. My cousin has one (Rubicon edition) with about 4k miles and it drifts on the highway like a son-of-a gun. Not sure if it has anything to do with the upgraded suspension but yeah, it’s there.

Carson strayed from his prepared remarks to place Trumps hand firmly up his puppet ass address the notion that Trump is racist.

I have friends that were Motor T in Headquarters and Service Company.  I think I’ve heard almost every variation of complaint about Oshkosh.

Yeah man, it is pretty well known that you have to cross the bridge into Delaware if you tryin to holla at a cutie at the pumps or go inside one of the rest areas on the turnpike. But I digress. I too hate it when movies/TV shows don’t get the basics right.  I’ve been known to give up on a show mid-way for stuff like

When you cherry pick the “good” items in history and discard the uncomfortable events all while wrappings yourself in the warm flag of patriotism, it makes it a lot more palatable. Throw in a few “I’m not racist, you’re the one who sees race in everything...” or “It was a different time back then and the world had

To borrow a phrase that was used here before:  The cheapest car is the one you already own.  Funny how this whole system is built on people being reckless with money.  It is almost as if they want you to stay broke.

Smoke em if you got em...

My mouse slipped and I had unintended “clickasion”.  Sorry, it won’t happen again.

When all your real friends leave you and these are the only people you have to hang with...

Donald “I Smoked the TV Mama” Trump

Huge fan of FortNine and both my touring bike and cruiser could fit a car tire on the back (as guys in the respective forums have shown) and I’ve thought about it more than once - actually each time I have to replace the rear tires I think about it but the trade off in handling keeps me going back to my local

There were a few obvious choices but I was genuinely torn with most of them.  These are good questions for the next family reunion.

Unless you are this guy and then I would question the help the dealer is offering with those so-called inspections.

Yikes.  Yet another reason to stay away from CVTs.

I think the selling point for these are for people that don’t have the wherewithal to do oil changes on their own. Like TM mentioned, most new cars don’t need anything more that oil/tires until around 60k miles anyway (maybe brake pads before then). Not saying it is a bad thing but for some people, the belief is that

Life comes at you fast...

Two white billionaires, One unconfirmed possible thousandaire and one billionaire President Donald Trump and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg....

New logo perhaps...

Anyone voting CP doesn’t really know what this is.