Issa Trap

I’ve been preaching this very thing to everyone I know. Never let your fuel get below a quarter of a tank. Wanna know what counters my argument every time? These stupid things right here.

Cue the Denis Leary voice over “You want Super Duty? The only truck with high grade military steel. It’s not just tough pal, it’s Ford tough!”

Former DOJ guy here. There are times when the Feds will execute a search warrant and all the tools stay holstered. Not everybody is El Chapo. But yeah, the fact that guns were drawn is not really newsworthy.

zillion space dollars = $15 USD

wife: “Look honey. A cute star trek van. I know how much you like that stuff

That’s my line!

Graphic EQ AND Auto Reverse?!?! You people are spoiled. Back in my day, we had a button for Bass Boost and had to eject the tape and flip it. Now you just push a button and it goes backwards. Damn snowflakes.

However, the second the ACA started being negotiated, as well as anytime anyone mentions a single payer system, he lost/loses his mind. “Dude, you have government health care and like it, why not spread that around?”

This is CP all the way. Will someone buy it? Absolutely!  I bet my lunch money this thing will be scooped up with 60 payments and a 16% interest rate.

This is something that has bugged me. Has anyone ever heard the new Honda Accord hybrid creeping along before? What made Honda pick THAT sound? I thought something was wrong with a friend’s car when I first heard it. The thing sound weird.

I approve...

Is this a Nice Price for the offering? Yes.

If you are not a child that grew up in the 80s, it is hard to understand.

I recommend what I used to call “band tour breakfast:” a V8 and a banana.

Yeah, this was built back when Daimler-Benz actually gave a damn so unless it was rode hard (which it doesn’t look like from the pics) it should go for a good while longer. The “needs a tune” raises an eyebrow but nothing that would make me immediately walk away. I bet if you took this to a Benz specialty shop, they

Next time my boss gets mad at me for stepping out of the office to take a quick personal call with my kid’s teacher, I’m going to show him this clip. At least I’m sober.

You won’t like me when I’m angry....

I say NP for someone but after having lived in the age of fuel injection for as long as I have, I don’t ever want to go back to a carburetor. It is like getting up to change the channel when the remote is right THERE! Life is hard enough. No need to add float bowls, manual chokes, and jets to make it harder.

The Pontiac G8 and GXPs were great cars! Let’s step outside and settle this...