Worked with Jim a few years back. He is an awesome guy. Loves what he does and it shows. Glad to see him profiled.
As a person currently in the VA system, I could not agree with you more.
in-dash disposable fleshlight dispenser...
I can’t believe that flew right over my head...
the laws of physics grew bored and decided to have some fun with an errant box truck.
I KNEW there was a reason to be scared of spelling bees.
This car is for those who care about cars.
To the Hyperloopist, the past is failure, reality is a mistake, and the future is success.
Say what?!?!
Most people are doing dumb stuff to cut out of work early. You are going to risk lives for overtime?!?! I’m willing to bet you this isn’t the first time he tried this. I’m sure there are other planes that stayed in the hangar longer than needed just so this guy could make a few extra bucks.
but it’s 1900mi from my cozy home....
I will wait to hear those valid reasons...
Multiple DMVs stressed to Motherboard that they do not sell the photographs from citizens’ driver licenses or social security numbers.
This was a few years back but I saw an older couple in Wal-Mart and the guy was open carrying. Not judging a book by the cover but looking at him, he seemed old enough that if someone wanted to rush him and take his firearm, he wouldn’t provide much physical resistance and that was the scariest part for me. I…
Eeeewww! Nope.
Just when I thought you couldn’t top your previous work....