Issa Trap

This is brilliant!!!

My guess is they keep it as a height warning for when entering parking garages.

Yep, hollywood.

You beat me to it.  I’m hitting the gym after this.

We only need 4,999 perfectly preserved ‘69 GTOs because if I had one, I sure as hell would drive it.

  • Escalade remains No. 1 with a bullet in large luxury SUVs, despite nearing the end of its life cycle. It has an 8,000-unit lead over its nearest rival while delivering significant profitability for our dealers.

we remain laser-focused on the flurry of activity around Cadillac today...

I still use a Garmin for my motorcycle but that is for obvious reasons.

I was laughing so hard, it took me a good 10 minutes to type this. CP!

Exactly.  It is rare for a reason.

Never understood people who buy cars a lock them in a vault. Yeah, it is nice to keep the car new for as long as possible but I’m not rich enough to have a garage queen. I wash and wax it but the true reward is driving it.

A coworker here has one. We think he is one step away from leaving it in a bad neighborhood with the keys on the dash begging someone to steal it. I told him he should just drive it off a cliff since people might mistake it for a bait car and not touch it.

You must have been at the Wawa near my house as this is a normal occurrence there. I fill up Sunday afternoon since I know it will be a madhouse just getting in there to get coffee on a Monday morning.  I’m already stressed wondering what new deadline my boss will hit me with as soon as I walk through the door after

I hear you but you have to admit that $500+- every 6 months is a LOT compared to other (i.e Japanese) vehicles in that category. I have a lot of friends that ride and for the guys that have BMW motorcycles - BMW stands for Bring More Wallet when it comes to maintenance. Meanwhile, most of the maintenance I do myself

It does require more expensive regular maintenance than other cars.

**Double-checks to make sure this isn’t the Onion**

My only question is how will James Bond crash it in the next 007 flick.

As if these cars weren’t hard enough to sell on a good day....

Multi-carb arrangements require sacrificing a chicken and making a pact with a lessor daemon just to get the damn thing running right at the beginning of every riding season.

It will struggle to hold 65-70 in traffic and you’ll be constantly paranoid that you are going to blow up the motor. Secondly, a Cafe seat is good for a Cafe Race, not a 45-60 min ride/commute. You will be sore. Lastly and most importantly is the rear brake WILL lock any time you think about it.