Issa Trap

The general public thinks, Oh, it’s just a handful of guys, because of the NFL PR machine.

I’ve said it before and I will keep saying it. Get a Faraday Bag for your key fob folks. They are cheap on Amazon and do the job.

It she sent me a Slut Life sticker for my pickup, tell her the mailman lost it and to please sent another, in pink please.  -Love, son.

I was *this* close to trying one but there were a dozen people ahead of me that already paid for their chicken sandwich but was told there would be a 20 minute wait before they got it. Soooo, you want me to wait 20 minutes for some fast food but I could go to a restaurant and have a decent sit-down meal in the time it

engineering and scientific skills not only to survive....

You and I are long lost brothers.  Say hi to mom for me.

Other options include military-grade LED lights..


I think you spelled “Tacti-cool” incorrectly.

I can’t bluetooth sync my phone to it and no massaging seats with 16 towing cameras. Hard pass.

I want to blast that horn during rush hour.  Move fukkers!!!

The tests will occur with 40 people, most of whom work for the company...

My man Tom. I like how you put reasonable in air quotes, lol. If I want a new one, I need to get hot and heavy on those Powerball numbers.

Yeah, Mazda’s version is a lot more subtle.

Turns out, GM knew where the market was going back in the day.  It is like they had a time machine but programmed for the wrong year.

If there was ever more of a need for a rocket launcher, I can’t think of one.

Hello Sys Admins, I need you to disable an account please....

The first truck I drove was a Ram 1500 Tradesman Quad Cab 4x2. As outfitted, it was about $40,000 and came with two bench seats...

She looks like she’s been slightly inconvenienced by an oil change, not crashed after taking a turn too hot.

You made me laugh with that comment.  Star for you!