Issa Trap

Cue the Twix commercial!

As a person who rides and has had a getoff before, I see exactly what I did wrong. I didn’t have a bottle of Smartwater there with me at the time. Lesson learned.

Yeah because the first thing I’m thinking after a moto getoff (instead of “did my GoPro get what this idiot just did, this muthafukker better have insurance, I’m going to be sore as hell for the next few weeks, do I need to go to shock/trama, did someone call an ambulance, what new bike will I get next, can’t reuse

It placed 3rd out of 5.

Better than coffee.  I’m ready to get it done now!!!

That was the first thing I did and it is definitely better than when I first got it but the problem never fully went away..

The video goes through several ways to protect your car from potential theft: deactivating your key fob, keep keys away from doors and windows, or just buy a wheel lock so that, even if someone gets into your car, they can’t take it anywhere.

I wonder how many people walk into a Kia dealership and choose between a Stinger and a Telluride. From the tons of SUVs I’m seeing in my area, to choice is clear. The Stingers are great cars that no one is seems to be interested in.

You do not, I repeat, do not, want the early CLs with the automatic transmission.

Current daily - 05 TL with 6-speed.  She’s got some battle scars (mainly from idiots in the parking lot) but never once left me stranded.

Those mashed potatoes aren’t going to eat themselves grandma...

This clever reply will make me go get a few burner accounts just to give you stars.

So we are just going to forget about this guy from back in May of this year? I’m normally on board but not this time folks.

In bootcamp, I was told that pain was weakness leaving the body. Apparently pain loves my body so much, it is not at all interested in going to the post office and filing for a change of address.

Here is my star for calling it “The Y”.

Wait, the GS-F had a 5 liter V8 with 467 horses?!?! Why am I just now hearing about this?  Moms like Lexuses (Lexi?) and it is a sleeper too. Heck, I would look at that if I were in the market.

Dad had one of these back in the day - 4 cylinder with a 5 speed.  It was beat to hell and wouldn’t die.  One of the few things GM did halfway right.

I remember long time ago my car got stolen and after I got over the shock and anger, I was crossing off days on the calendar until my insurance would consider it a total loss and pay me for it. Car had to me missing for 30 days and the cops found it with a screwdriver in the ignition 25 days after I reported it stolen

Came to say this.  The engine would have probably done better in a different truck.  Nissan is phoning it in at this point.

I hope your day is going well...