Living Single > Friends every day of the week in my house and especially on Thursday.
Living Single > Friends every day of the week in my house and especially on Thursday.
Don’t know how this was left off the list but yes, Johns Hopkins straight up stole her cells.
You just triggered a memory of my time that I had completely forgotten about. Standing at Parade Rest for hours in the hot sun during retirement and change of command ceremonies listening to someone blab on about something we cared zero about. Time to call my therapist and schedule an appointment.
They have been trying to sell that SS for almost a year. If it were just wheels, someone could get it and put the stock ones or better looking aftermarket ones on and call a day but obviously there is more to it.
I hear you but sometimes people get so caught up in scoring political points vs doing the work. There will be more opportunities “get back at the other guy”. This shouldn’t be one of them.
International House of Please stop doing this...
Both my dad, girlfriend’s dad and I are in the VA system so trust me when I tell you I am intimately familiar with the VA hospitals in my area more than I would like. Some of the best doctors in the world work for the VA but the system is so screwed up, it would be hard to know it so again, getting it fixed is a lot…
Thank you. If my house was leveled and my boss is that much of a ass to where I can’t take a few days to figure out my next move then he ain’t my boss for much longer. I’m loyal but to my family first.
Had mine done a few months ago when the recall was first announced. My understanding is that the scope of the recall was expanded to include more model years and now it is getting traction all over again. According to this, there isn’t much to the “fix”.
At this point, I don’t care who takes credit for fixing the VA as long as it gets fixed. Oh and breaking news, the VA is still broken so I hope people aren’t out there straining themselves while trying to pat each other on the back. But I guess you don’t actually have to support the troops as long as it looks like…
If there was ever a better reason to “borrow” my friend’s Netflix login, I don’t know it.
This little girl, as they say, has been here before...
Rarely do I pass up the chance to view a good train wreck but I think I will skip this one.
I am a Luddite and I agree with you.
Throw in some Corinthian leather seats and I will make you a deal for prototype. Would you mind taking 84-month installments?
DC resident here. It is bad that when I first saw that, I didn’t know it was an actual museum sculpture. I thought someone got pissed about the parking situation here and took it out on someone’s car. I guess it is because I feel like doing that to someone’s car every time I have to look for parking near my building.
that would put FCA as a new partner in the existing “alliance” with Nissan and Mitsubishi.