Managers at an Overland Park Buffalo Wild Wings regularly made derogatory comments about African American customers and allowed employees to refuse them service or give them poor service, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday.
Managers at an Overland Park Buffalo Wild Wings regularly made derogatory comments about African American customers and allowed employees to refuse them service or give them poor service, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday.
As long as you keep the switch for the windshield wipers in the same place. I don’t want to crash out in the rain because you guys decided to get cute and change stuff. Other than that, nice work.
Drain the swamp and replace it with your own...
While I was scouring the Interwebs for a gif that correctly captured my feelings, you beat me to it and for that, I say thank you. My star is now yours.
Interesting. Always wanted to see the underside of a Tahoe PPV. I bet the driver’s seat will need more Woolite/Resolve than they have at the local War-mart after getting the guy out of there.
I’m not old enough to drive this thing to breakfast at Cracker Barrel at 11am on a Wednesday but I could force myself to wear black socks with sandals so I guess that counts for something. I vote NP on this one.
As a person that commutes on the metro system, I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often to be honest. Weird people like fukin with normal people and this would be a great way to piss off a lot of folks with very little effort. I’m mad at my commute on a normal day and I would be ready to murder a dude for doing…
I’m not rich enough not to drive my garage queen. I would rather enjoy it as much as I can now before it goes away.
They want to put an asterisk on his 2 championships??? Why, was he on dope at the time? Why does every guy with a microphone in his face want to be Steven Aye Smith?
Yeah and that one double-dribble missed by the refs late in the game certainly helped. It was a good game but I’m not sure if he can keep doing it by himself like that and they get more than 3 wins.
First Gear - Even Nissan doesn’t know who they are anymore. Not surprising that they are suffering. The new Maxima a 4DSC? Yeah, only if you don’t know what one is.
With me owning 2 manuals now (one as a daily and the other a weekender) I can honestly say that if I were in the market for a new car, this would be on my short list. Tom, can you tell me if a 84-month loan is better than a 96-month loan?
This is the only reason for Twitter...
Surely oil changes, tire rotations, or other routine maintenance items would show up on a Carfax report, correct?
Yes but to them like road markers, the commandments are just suggestions. You don’t really have to follow them, do you?
Things this woman was NOT...
Thanks for getting me in trouble. I laughed so hard at this now my boss knows for sure I’m not working.
Don’t forget about the opioid crisis. It will just need to handle itself so we can get our hands around the space pirate problem.