Issa Trap

You beat me to it.  I don’t have the energy required for the Google search to rebut this.

You are the first person I’ve heard that has a real world comment about those. I’ve always wondered but all my cheap friends don’t have new cars so I had no one to ask, lol. I guess it is better from a functional standpoint but I hate the afterthought look of it.

I’m tempted to say NP on this but older used German engineering is about the same as newer German engineering without the availability of parts.

Seems almost worth the extra $20k not to have the infotainment ipad just out there and integrate it into the dash like it should.

Disgraced comedian Bill Cosby is living well below his best life.

I was having a similar discussion recently. Of all the “crazy uncles” in my family.....As kids growing up, my cousins and I knew it was just easier to make fun of them and call them crazy rather than to get to the root of the underlying issue of their behavior. I can honestly say that is stops being funny when you sit

David Tracy is out testing the new Ford Ranger right now. If he comes back early, we will have a good idea why...

Ozark, Ala. police officers charged 36-year-old Brandy Murrah...

I’m more of an LS guy but I have to give Ford credit on that Coyote engine.  Nicely done...

Wait, the relationship expert might get a divorce?!?!

Life comes at you fast...

They didn’t read the manual...

WEBB: That’s the parent’s job, not my job.

But he is sooooo smart. 6th grade English.  Gesh...

xs, s, smallish, big-small, medium, medium-ish, small-medium, small-big, large-small, xl, xxl, xm, mx, 3x and Big Gulp.

Bonneville or Cutlass....

I guess the car’s engine was replaced twice (at 375,000 and 695,000 miles)

It’s Friday and I can’t even make to the weekend without some craziness hitting me in the face like this. the WSJ of all places. They are trying to give me a headache.

This guy knows his stuff.

Fixed it for you.  The school is just the first part.  They can’t teach you everything in a weekend.  Most things you pick up by being out there.