
Can you conduct illegal surveillance of publicly available information? I was under the impression that all public posts are public, thus available to be viewed by any and all parties.

Can you guys get him a link to a story about how it’s the Reptilians that are our enemies and the Grey aliens are our protectors? I don’t want Trump to get that bass-ackwards and screw up that relationship too... kinda important... #endoftimes

Negligible. Vampire power draw is really always negligible. If you toast a piece of bread one time or blow-dry your hair once or cook something in a microwave one time you have used more power than any vampire draw for a whole year in most households.

As with most acts of mass violence, this is the act of a single deranged mind, inflamed by an existing climate of hatred and a false sense of crisis.

What strikes me most is the insane amount of people in the aftermath doing nothing but sstanding in the way and shooting videos with their fucking phones.

I, being an outsider, (not american) find it funny how hypocritical both sides of the isle are when it comes to this issue, when its Muslims the left says “you cant blame a whole religion for the acts of a few” when its white dudes the roles switch completely and its the left saying as in this comment section “yes we

Take a look at Antifa and BLM and tell me you’re not being a slight bit hypocritical. These “racists” didn’t cause a dollar’s worth of vandalism yet as per usual all anyone on this site can do is continue the hateful tear between two ideologies by exaggerating and inflating every little thing. If the alt-right were

I’ve been following North Korea’s nuclear ambition since the 90's... and even back then it seemed like the largest threat that would lead to use of nuclear weapons.

Didn’t someone say a few years ago that it will take NK decades to develop small nukes? And look where we are now.

At least he can blame his parents. I’m trying to figure out why Allegra decided to take the name of her allergy meds after transitioning.

I think regardless your politics we can all agree someone’s folks did them a terrible disservice.

Horrible Horrible Treatment, and I deplore it. How offensive would it be if they called her Fexofenadine?

Man that is sort of pathetic.....

God, you’re beyond stupid. Do you even have an editor? Do you people even bother to research or fact check your shoddy journalism?

Look... for the last 60 years no one gave a fuck about a street named after a confederate general... why in the last 5 are people up in arms over this shit...

Seriously. I came here to say I am preemptively exhausted by the inevitable shit-box exchanges in the offing.

Using this as a prebuttal for the for the inevitable “but but but, I thought that the 1st Amendment protected this!!!” comments.

Popcorn ready.

Trump: “No one loves the LEDBBQ community more than me!”