
Let’s protest by not buying anything made in China. Ohhhh.... wait... nevermind. Our “outrage” only goes so far...

Let me see if I understand this correctly- a woman complains about some weirdo grabbing her and he gets protected because he is a “major customer”- at a movie theater??!? WTF did he do? Buy more than one ticket for just him at a time?? TWO tubs of popcorn?? How small were their margins that they couldn’t just kick

Is this the same jack-hole who let women drive? Is it!?! That whole country is falling apart over there- no standards!!!

Right here- this comment. Literally everything wrong with rational discussion in America.

How about no political ads on Facebook at all?

With all that is going on in the world it was nice to have a long laughing fit that made my eyes water- thank you Giz!

These things fucking suck.

There are black bears that go across the border in west Texas??!? That’s badass! I want to see them! Desert bears!

Uh huh-huh uh huh huh.... he and then you said lever...

Your answer is wrong. Special K side’s answer below is the correct one.

I accept your answer as the correct one.

This guy! Asking the question that NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO ANSWER for years!!! I also would like to know why the hell these fundamental infrastructures are attached to the internet!

Oh for fuck sakes man! It was a dumb joke!

With all the terrible things in the world you have to cover jackass things birds do? #sadnow

Can you guys get him a link to a story about how it’s the Reptilians that are our enemies and the Grey aliens are our protectors? I don’t want Trump to get that bass-ackwards and screw up that relationship too... kinda important... #endoftimes

Anyone know what the vampire power draw is on these smart bulbs?

Toothless South Carolinians sucking off animals, huh?

Came here for this. Am not disappointed.