NBC probably wishes it was 2009 again lol.
NBC probably wishes it was 2009 again lol.
I liked Mr Mayor. It wasn't as good as 30 Rock but it had the pedigree. American Auto is fine but it gets a little too sitcom-y sometimes. Grand Crew has a great cast but the writing is spotty
Yeah the Alex Casey books are supposed to be Max Payne. They can’t use the exact name since Rockstar owns it.
I remember everyone dogging on Too Human back in the day lol. There was so much hype behind it
Everyone should just go play Astral Chain instead so it gets a sequel
The summer when Overwatch originally released was an absolutely amazing time in games. Really felt like the last time everyone had come together to get into a multiplayer game. Doubt they can capture that again with a sequel.
Both good
Are they going to do the Jimmy episode again?
The inquisitor makeup still looks pretty bad. Excited for this though
Moon Knight has been very good so far. Feels completely different than any other MCU show so far.
Yeah I feel like this movie more than any other marvel movie so far will split a lot of the audience. This one requires seeing both the TV shows and almost every other MCU movie before it. Most people going to see this are fully caught up on everything
Sure why not.
Too many movies
At this point in the MCU, any fantastic four movie is going to be a pretty generic origin story that will only serve as the long overdue introduction to Dr Doom. Would be better off as a series
What exactly are they spending money on lol? Every metaverse project I've seen so far looks like it took a week to make in Unity
Craig Ferguson was the best host of any later late night show and pretty much nobody could do the kind of thing he did.
Assuming it's to retool the screenplay. Illumination seems like a competent enough studio to not need animation rework. I'm guessing the story was a mess and Nintendo Japan wasn't happy with it
I did lol. The secret blessing about mega corporations is that you can get away with absolutely legendary laziness and nobody will notice if you keep quiet about it.
Not to defend Nintendo here, but that’s every temp contractor position. I once spent a week as a contractor for a credit card company without a computer to actually do any work because they forgot to get my account set up
Bill Murray has always struck me as kind of a jerk but he's also been in so many good things that people are willing to look past them. Glad the post metoo system is sort of working here