
I'd use that site... until it's on the slow lane of the internet :-/

I genuinely believe that Ted Cruz is smart enough to know this is wrong but is cynical enough to say it anyway, which is very much more depressing.

Rule #13 - Never ever involve a lawyer.

Understand this from a European's perspective (me) - when I moved here in 2001, I'd been using EMV for nearly 10 years already. To find out the US was still using mag-swipe was a shock to me. To be given a box with 500 checks in it when I opened my bank account was mind-blowing. I hadn't seen a check since 1993. That

Who still write checks? I personally never use a debit card, or check, or anything that ever gives away information of my bank account. All entities I deal with only has my CC information.

I think Monty works for MCX.

"Plenty of people already do it every day... at Starbucks." — And most of them are objectively terrible at it. I use Passbook on my iPhone at Starbucks - one swipe to pull up the bar code and pay. Easily as fast and simple as NFC. However, damn near everyone else in the Starbucks who pays by phone unlocks their

Even the Walgreen's experience is not worth it.

I don't even like to pay with my DEBIT card for anything online or in store because it offers less protection than my credit card and you want me to pay DIRECTLY out of my checking account? Are you fucking kidding me?

This is really a fight between huge credit card companies and huge retailers. Neither side is less greedy than the other, and neither are virtuous. Casting the dispute in moral terms is borderline ridiculous.

Thank you! Finally someone gets it. The Consortium may have profit intentions, but calling that greed when compared to ApplePay is nonsensical.

What is there to team up about? There is no "splitting" of the NFC market, it's all the same standard and these companies have made their own apps to take advantage of it. Think of it more like Safari, Chrome, IE... etc. Those aren't competing standards, they are just different products used to access the internet.

At this point, in order to use NFC, I have to switch banks, and change stores, etc.

This is no different from retailers dictating which credit cards they take; however, they are being foolish if they want to dictate how they decide not to take money - if businesses are doing well enough to decide how they take

I think it's more that the whole concept of QR codes are already the walking dead.

NFC is a single system. Whether you use Google Wallet, Apple Pay, or a contactless card it's still NFC. There is no need for them to "team up" on anything.

Good for Apple Pay = Good for Google Wallet. That's good for the consumer.

Americans *are* rather dense as a people, but there are very real economic and cultural factors that have nothing to do with education level that drive fast adoption in those markets.

To be honest I never got the point of using my phone as an NFC credit card device when my credit cards already have contactless NFC chips embedded into them.