
I probably like 150 more than most though agreed it isn’t close to perfect, but when it really won me over was the end in the future with Mia and Connor watching the documentary.

If Canaries gets picked up I hope there’s a flashback of her helping to raise Mia.

I just made a comment about Slade. You approached it in a way I hadn’t considered. Though my hope is that the story of him and his two sons gets to continue.

Here’s some more, Arrow is how I discovered the AV Club so I didn’t want to miss this one. (Alasdair Wilkins if you see this, “Broken Dolls” is still one of my fav episodes despite your distaste for it and someday I need to finish your Farscape reviews.)

Even then it’s not like Iron Man 1 is very wacky compared to Nolan’s films.

And it’s not like MCU Phase 1 especially in that very first movie didn’t start out very grounded.

I was okay with beginning the episode that way, but glad it didn’t drag on very long.

Their brotherhood is one of the defining things of the show (though I found their new beginning relationship post Crisis in the flashbacks a little weird), so not putting the focus on him would’ve been wrong.

Glad to see I’m not alone on Walter Steele. It would’ve been cool for Katana to be there, but I’m personally satisfied with her early appearance this season.

I totally agree about Sin, but at least on Helena the Bertinellis got a mention last week.

I hadn’t thought about Sin in forever. I brought up Walter Steele and Mama Lance, but she is totally one I didn’t think of and a character the show(s) seem to have forgotten.

I agree that it’s most likely the people brought back are from Arrow, but I don’t think we can discount it quite yet. I also wonder if Malcom’s fate has changed.

They so wasted the fact she lives in Central and the River Song - Rory Pond connection.

I disagree about William getting kidnapped. That made me laugh so hard.

Yeah reconciling this final scene with her final flashforward scene last season is very Shrodinger’s cat.

I haven’t read the review or had much other discussion about last week’s episode but absolutely love the idea that Sara Diggle might be the one pulling the strings in the future.

I like the 1st (though later movies have retroactively tainted it some) a good bit and that is for sure one of my favorite scenes.

Upvoted just for the Darhk curve.

I still think they could use the fact that freaking Katana was involved with him surviving the cliff to make it more palatable. Like there’s something they never showed.

I agree with pretty much everything, especially the rankings and season order. Those are also some pretty good choices for best episodes.