
Selling delisted games is the only place where this excites me.

You mention DRM, yeah to enforce this would require MORE DRM.

Excellent point about DRM.

NexiKuro brings up a great point about DRM. To enforce would require more DRM. That isn’t necessarily a win for consumers.

I think reselling of delisted games might be cool though.

I’m not sure we’re supposed to know (yet) on Mickey Melon. Have you seen the rumor that doing the Donald Duck voice is hard on the current voice actor and they’re having to write around that more than the usual Donald hard to understand conceit.

When you hear the sound of Lil Bulb breaking. Oh man.

I saw about the pogo thing on Twitter and just had to rewatch. So sad I missed it on first viewing.

Oh man the Lil Bulb sacrifice got me in the feels.

In the pilot when they introduced the board as literal vultures I thought that was just a fun joke, and I figured F.O.W.L. would also be just a side thing. So happy to be wrong. Everything about the reveal made me happy. I’m still geeking out about it.

I really liked how Steelbeak looks in the animation style. I’d say I want Rob Paulsen for the voice, but I trust this team if they go a different route.

I couldn’t tell how much it was the curse or accurately predicting Louie couldn’t handle the responsibility.

I actually liked Scrooge just sitting back knowing that Louie wouldn't be able to handle it.

I certainly liked the episode more than you and Kevin. That said I agree that Scrooge laughing off Louie was a highlight.

Yep still scamming and stealing.

You you mentioned Solomon Grundy. Someone else pointed this out, but the voice actor has voiced Solomon Grundy and the Hulk.

Oh man, I really liked this episode. I totally accept that Louie would release a curse on his 1st day. I'll concede the point on wondering how the guy at Mozambeak dealt with the curse.

Has no one seen Sneakers?

The whole thing with that being Quackfaster in disguise was weird.

I really like this down in the dumps Magica de Spell but yeah it can't last forever.