
I too had similar experience on Doofus Drake. A "Who?" and "Oh no not him" followed being pleasantly surprised.

I think we might need a bit more setup for Louie to call Goldie mom.

Seriously the DBZ homage was great.

To beat a dead horse, I think you might be reading too much in to Louie choosing Goldie.

There’s still quite a few Clancy books I haven’t read but yeah I like John Clark’s arc. (There’s a character in this show that I like but if turns out to be Clark I’m gonna be ticked.)

Wayforward doing a beat em up? Sold

After the awesomeness of "The Duck Knight Returns" this was a bit of a letdown but still fun.

I loved the time travel Christmas episode where they got the OG voice actor for the triplets to voice young Donald.

It’s on Disney Now. Probably will be on Disney +.

I had to rewind Dewtective. Highlight of the episode for me.

The OG one is my favorite cartoon theme ever (possibly just TV in general), but I’m lukewarm on the new version.

Anyone else feel like part of the article is missing?

How about she just doesn’t get a role in the MCU period.

Since I don't drink we'll see how that goes.

In the previous article it was mentioned that on American Idol a 19 yr old contestant hadn’t had his 1st kiss yet. She motioned him over for what he thought would be a kiss on the cheek. At the last second she went for the lips.

I’m not sure how to process what I’m seeing.

The real Zod shows his colors at last.

Evil I’m not sure what I just read (or sure that I want to). Though no matter what I had to google Taylor Schilling.

Holy crud I forgot about that Tatu song.

Plenty of us don’t.