
While Ravi is still the best (and I wish Rahul the best when the show ends), it seems like there’s less material lately.

Okay that makes sense.

Evil I totally thought of you when this episode contradicted that deleted scene.

So there’s a deleted scene from season 2 that this episode didn’t make canon.

The opening was fantastic.

Though hopefully with a delegation from DC coming to Seattle we’ll get an extra dose of Peyton.

Here’s two things I’ll add. I’ve never seen all of The Notebook. Which is probably a sad comment on my love live the past 15 years.

LaToya, you and I for sure disagree on this episode, which of course is totally okay. Most of what you pointed out as problems I liked. Though I’ll give you that at least not yet we didn’t get much on how Liv’s family dealt/is dealing with the knowledge that zombies are real and Liv is one of them. Since we got robbed

It's worse than that, the guy who plays John Murphy on The 100 is her brother.

You do raise an extremely valid point.

Despite being Mr. Boss's niece and working with him on this I'm not sure we can write her off just yet.

I thought it was very in character for Blaine.

I know I've said this before, but bringing Bryce Hodgson back as a twin is quietly one of the show's best decisions.

I'm consistently amazed how invested I am in Don E's arc.

Including a whole plot where they kidnapped and smuggled in his daughter.

Yay two winning episodes in a row.

They had another trolly type comment in the greys further down too.

Plus they've also talked about how Liv because of the investigations is more involved with the victims lives. They also had a throwaway line one season where she said she leaned in to avoid dealing with her heartbreak.

Yeah but the Hunters don't know that.

Would you say 2% of something?