
“Weak person”?

God you sound like an insufferable douchebag based on how you write. Explains why you were getting laid

Lennay is such a pretty name. You must be very happy.

If Feinberg gets the pee tape first I will absolutely reconsider my position on the existence of a just and loving God.


Ashley Feinberg or we fucking riot.


I think he was referring to the belt’s color.

Maybe the NBA can get some fucking tips from the NFL on how to deal with obvious head injuries.

For someone writing a comment on a sports blog, you sure have a boatload of self-righteousness!

Plus it’s disruptive every time the batter has to turn around and yell, “What?”

I’ll never put my hands on anybody.

He’s from Minnesota. Hot sauce for them is ketchup and black pepper.

Kinja needs other options for flagging posts, and this makes me think one of them should be “I’m concerned for this poster’s mental health.”

If I knew anything about art, geography, 18th-19th-20th-century Presidents, French culture, opera, human anatomy, animal anatomy, food, science in general, potent potables, and potpourri, I could totally crush Jeopardy with the edge I’d have in sports and pop culture.

Most of you have probably already seen this but for those who haven’t, this is the single time it’s appropriate to use the phrase YES KWEEN:

I am a teacher at a high the last 10 and a half months I have made it a point to sit down during the Pledge of Allegiance for obvious reasons. My students have picked up on this and they don’t bother standing either. #StandForOurAnthem? Donald Dump can go #KissMyAss.

Melania, honey, whatever you paid for that suit was too much. It’s very unflattering.

Sounds like you need some sort of space. One where you can feel safe.

Then leave if you’re incapable of not clicking and reading everything. No one really cares.